Workers facing barriers on their journey to becoming their own Number 1 version

Facing challenges and difficulties at work, many workers feel drained and exhausted during their work day. What can be a solution to regaining energy instantly so they  will not miss a beat amidst their intense career advancing journey? 

Along with the ever fast-paced social development, the standards set for workers are increasing quickly as well. To achieve success, workers need to adapt to change, constantly improve their competencies, and strive to improve every day to become the best version of themselves. However, the road to an affirming career is never easy for workers as they always have to face countless challenges and difficulties. 
One of the biggest challenges is the lack of energy and motivation to work. These physical and emotional deficiencies cause workers to feel drained quickly when faced with pressure and high intensity at work. As a result, work performance declined and put a brake on the the employee’s career development path.

Rào cản khiến người lao động chậm nhịp trên hành trình trở thành phiên bản Number 1- Ảnh 1.

Having worked in accounting for more than 3 years, Ngoc Trang (working in Ho Chi Minh City) felt lost in her work many times. “Accounting work requires absolute accuracy and carefulness with data. Workload close to month-end or quarter-end suddenly increased making me extremely tired, seemingly unable to keep up and maintaining focus on any job. There were times when I wondered if I was capable enough to pursue this job even though my passion was still there” Trang shared. 

Fatigue during the pursuit of his career development path is also something that Mr. Dinh Huynh (Designer, working in Hanoi) has encountered in the first few years of his career. “I have been passionate about design since high school. But when I work in real life, I realize that keeping my passion for the profession is not simple. Real work requires me to upgrade my skills every day. When the pressure of creativity and the amount of work accumulate, if you don’t have enough energy and motivation, it’s very difficult to overcome it,” Huynh said.

Rào cản khiến người lao động chậm nhịp trên hành trình trở thành phiên bản Number 1- Ảnh 2. 
Lack of energy will cause workers to slow down on their career development path 

Talking about how to overcome difficult times in their chosen jobs, Ngoc Trang and Mr. Dinh Huynh both said that steadfastness on career goals is an important factor. Next is choosing solutions to supplement energy and maintain maximum concentration to avoid declining t work performance during periods of fluctuating workload. 
It is known that both of them chose Number 1 energy drink as their choice beverages on their journeys to becoming the best versions of themselves at work. “I still can’t forget all-nighters I pulled to meet project deadlines and trying to upgrade my skills on the side when I was quite exhausted. If I did not have my useful little secret to replenish my energy instantly with Number 1 energy drink, I would have not been able to make it through my entry level period” Mr. Huynh shared.

Rào cản khiến người lao động chậm nhịp trên hành trình trở thành phiên bản Number 1- Ảnh 3.
Number 1 energy drink always help workers to affirm their value and ability

Number 1 energy drink ‘s delicious taste and refreshing feeling give an instant boost in energy and concentration at work have also helped Ngoc Trang overcome pressures during peak seasons. “Through the challenges and difficulties at work, I have uncovered my abilities. With the energy replenished by Number 1 energy drink, I always keep a ready spirit for new tasks in my career development path”, Trang added. 

Launched in 2001, Number 1 energy drink still maintains its position among the most popular energy drink category. It is no coincidence that this line of energy drinks is chosen by many workers as an effective support solution. The impressive function of Number 1 energy drink is its ability to quickly boost energy and regain alertness immediately, thereby quickly restoring concentration at work. 

If you have enough passion and clear career goals, do not let the short-term lack of energy slow you down on your long-term career development path. Success is a process and is only truly valuable when each of us rises from difficulties and challenges. The value of labour is only meaningful when each individual has truly affirmed their bravery and capabilities in their own work. 

Number 1 energy drink always is always the choice beverage among workers on their journey to becoming the best version of themselves, confidently affirming their own value. 
Energizing millions of consumers on their journeys to realize their dreams, the Number 1 Energy Drink brand has officially launched the promotion program “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1” – “Energize – Breakthrough to Number 1” with a total value of up to 5.5 billion VND. 
From May 20 to July 28, 2024, consumers who purchase any Number 1 energy drink product will have the opportunity to win attractive prizes including: 3 first prizes with 500 million VND in cash each; 30 second prizes with each worth 30 million VND in cash, and more than 250,000 mobile phone scratch cards ranging from 10,000 to 500,000 VND. 
How to join: 
– Method 1: Compose a message and send the code sequence printed inside the label to switchboard 6020 (send to number 6020). 
– Method 2: Enter the code and phone number on the website then participate in the lucky spin to get a chance to win. 
– Method 3: Enter the code and phone number on the “Number 1 Xe Ngay Trung Lien” Zalo page and the brand’s Facebook Fanpage 
Winning information will be updated and publicly announced on the program’s website of