Positive Energy – Thriving Community: Core values ​​that have made millions of Vietnamese people trust the Number 1 brand for two decades


Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ

Number 1’s efforts in sustainable development and social services have been rewarded with a large consumer base. Over the past two decades, the brand has not only been a choice beverage that energizes consumers to become the best versions of themselves at work, but also serves as an inspiration. 

Going beyond business conducts, many Vietnamese enterprises have proactively contributed to the community and demonstrated thorough commitments in business, social responsibility and sustainable development. 

In a way, this is an opportunity for businesses to affirm their brand position, increase value for customers and partners, and contribute to building a prosperous and humane society. 

Among the businesses and brands that are highly appreciated for their social responsibility in Vietnam, one must mention the contribution of the Number 1 brand. Trusted by millions of customers in Number 1’s energy drink products, the brand’s tireless efforts to serve society over the past two decades through many meaningful programs and activities. 

Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 1.

[Exciting summers with millions ounces of joy] 

On sweltering summer days, cool and refreshing soft drinks are always the first choice for many people. It is even more exciting when these drinks bring opportunities to win valuable prizes, helping to multiply the joy of summer many times over. 

Launched in 2014, with hundreds of millions of eligible codes for winning millions of prizes, Number 1’s summer promotion have become an annual activity that attracts tens of millions of participants among the consumer base. This summer promotion program is also a way in which Number 1 expresses its gratitude to millions of consumers who have trusted and supported the brand. 

Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 2.

[2024 marks the 10th year anniversary of the summer promotion – the ever-exciting program which millions of consumers participate] 

After a decade, Number 1’s summer promotion is increasingly popular with many participants. The popularity of Number 1’s energy drink products from rural to urban areas helps to make the program widely accepted. 

In addition, simple participation methods, high chances of winning and quick prize awards create excitement among consumers. More importantly, these programs have given many life-changing opportunities to customers regardless of region, age, occupation and circumstances. Because of these meaningful experiences, Number 1 brand has organized summer promotions to share more joy in the community annually. 

Maintaining a reputation in the market throughout a decade of economic volatility, ever-changing social perception and consumer tastes is not easy for any business. However, Number 1 has not only met expectations but also used its resources to fulfill its social responsibilities, contributing to building a more prosperous community through its summer promotions, activity and event partnership.Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 3. 

[Number 1 energy drink is an inspirational icon throughout the two decades] 

Energy drinks are many people’s first-choice beverages thanks to their tasty flavor and ability to boost energy quickly. Officially launched in 2001, Number 1 quickly became a popular energy drink brand in the Vietnamese beverage market with products that bring energy boost and instant alertness. 

Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 4.

[To mention Number 1 is to mention the energy drink that has been a partner to a wide variety of inspirational programs throughout the years] 

Moreover, Number 1 energy drinks are also a choice partner to many individuals who have conquered challenges and become their own “Number 1” versions in many fields. 

We cannot forget the image of the first Vietnamese mountaineering team with Number 1 logo on their expedition jackets conquering Mount Everest in May 2008. The fiery Number 1 spirit is also prominent in the achievements of Number 1 brand ambassador Vu Phuong Thanh – who is the first female woman from Asia to conquer many ultramarathons totally 1000km through the four harshest deserts in the world (Namibia, Gobi, Atacama, Antarctica) and the first Vietnamese female athlete to win the Swiss Ultra 2022 ultra-triathlon race in Switzerland. 

Not only a partner to individuals who make history, Number 1 has been a beacon in championing Vietnam and Vietnamese people as resilient spirits in overcoming challenges all over the world. In addition, Number 1 is also an ambassador bringing quality competitions to promote sports movements in Vietnam, including: Binh Duong Television Football Tournament, Binh Duong Television Cycling Tournament, Binh Duong International 3-Cushion Billiards Carom Tournament… 

In addition, Number 1 Brand Ambassador – Vu Phuong Thanh is also present at many wide-scaled CSR programs with profound influence such as “Connecting with Love”, “Walking forward with you in life” and “Droplet of meaning”. 

And to continue the inspiring journey over the years, Number 1 has launched the summer promotion program “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1” and received support from a large number of consumers. 

Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 5.

[“Rip now for instant wins” has gone above and beyond the material value of a summer promotional program] 

The value of a product is not just in satisfying a need but it is also in the contribution of that product to the individual consumer in particular and the community in general. Over the years, Number 1 energy drink products have both done well, becoming a reliable daily beverage and a brand helping others to realize their dreams. 

Since 2014, “Rip now for instant wins 2024” become a familiar promotion program for consumers nationwide every summer. This year, the promotion becomes more special with one specific program dedicated to customers who love Number 1 energy drinks. 

To celebrate the summer atmosphere, “Rip now for instant wins 2024″ – “Recharge energy, break through to become your Number 1 version” has been launched with a total prize value of up to 5.5 billion VND, including three first prizes (each is worth 500 million VND in cash), 30 second prizes (each is worth 30 million VND in cash) and more than 250,000 mobile scratch cards from 10,000 VND to 500,000 VND. 

Năng lượng tích cực – Cộng đồng vững mạnh: Những giá trị cốt lõi làm nên sự tin yêu của hàng triệu người Việt với  thương hiệu Number 1 suốt hai thập kỷ- Ảnh 6.

[Not just bringing material prizes to the consumers with “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1”, the summer promotion is also a way for consumers to boost their joy in life] 

Taking place from May 20, 2024 to July 18, 2024 with a simple participation method, the program has helped many workers, farmers, students, office workers… across the country to win money for building up a future: a male blue-collared worker winning the second prize plans to use the 30 million VND to pay for his children’s education and sends a portion to a shelter in Long An; a female manual labourer, overwhelmed with emotions plans to use her winning money to buy school supplies for her children and a new washing machine for her family; a male student winning Number 1’s summer promotion prize could then pay his tuition and invest in training to improve his health… 

On average, every day, up to 4,000 customers enjoyed “playing for real, winning for real and feeling for real” during the promotion. In addition, the secondary prizes from 10,000 VND to 500,000 VND also brought joy, adding more motivation to hundreds of thousands of participants. 

The summer promotion program “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1” demonstrates one of the core values ​​of Number 1, which is serving society. The winners will not only use the prize money to take care of their personal life but also help those less fortunate, contributing to paying it forward to society. 

The message “Recharge energy, break through to become your Number 1 version” is prominent in “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1” summer promotion. Thanks to the joyous promotion from the brand, many individuals across Vietnam have become their own “Number 1” versions and turning their dreams into reality. 

Reference: https://cafef.vn/nang-luong-tich-cuc-cong-dong-vung-manh-nhung-gia-tri-cot-loi-lam-nen-su-tin-yeu-cua-hang-trieu-nguoi-viet-voi-thuong-hieu-number-1-suot-hai-thap-ky-188240730073704096.chn