Recharge quickly, ready to overcome challenges on sites

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At construction sites, workers not only work directly under the hot sun but also face high level of pollutions from construction materials and machinery noise. If they are not prepared and are in good health, they can easily fall into a state of fatigue and exhaustion. 

The clock has just struck 7am and the sounds at the construction sites have begun to boom. From the sound of machinery and equipment starting up to the construction work discussions at the beginning of the day. Workers gradually cover every corner of the construction site, ready to start an energetic working day. 

From Ben Tre to Ho Chi Minh City to work, Mr. Van Khiem has been working as a supervisor for more than 5 years. For him, this job brings a good and stable income for his career in the city. However, it also poses many difficulties and hardships. “Progress and quality are the two top criteria of the construction site. Engineers and workers must prepare good health to withstand the scorching weather here as well as the heat from the project deadline,” Mr. Khiem shared. 

Workers working at construction sites often face harsh weather 

During projects, most workers work outdoor at construction sites are often in close contact with machineries and construction materials. Under harsh weather conditions and with the nature of the work requiring high physical strength, lacking good health means fatigue and exhaustion are common conditions they may encounter. This not only reduces work efficiency, quality and project progress, but also directly affects the health of workers in the long term. 

The heat and intensity of constantly moving outside the construction site to control each construction item were also big challenges for Mr. Khiem in his early years of work. “I still remember the first time I went to the construction site to supervise. There were many times I wanted to give up halfway. The weather was extremely hot while all construction items needed to be inspected directly with care at the site. Shirts were drenched in sweat every day, and my energy was almost exhausted only half way through” said Mr. Khiem. 

Instant energy replenishment solutions will help workers ensure work efficiency 

Sharing how he overcame challenging and difficult periods at work, Mr. Khiem said, “Energy and concentration play an extremely important role during work at the construction site. Because it does not only affects the quality of the project but also affects safety at work. That is the reason why I chose Number 1 energy drink as a solution to replenish energy and stay alert, supporting my daily work.” 

Number 1 energy drink is a familiar drink to many workers at the construction site. The drink also stands out with its ability to replenish energy and regain alertness immediately. In the harsh sun and wind at the construction site, a bottle of Number 1 energy drink in a cooler filled with ice seems to dispel fatigue, recharge the energy for a long day of work for workers. The refreshing feeling is also effectively boost concentration. 

In addition to drinks that help replenish energy and regain alertness, Mr. Khiem shared that sun protection solutions are also extremely important. Breathable, UV-proof clothing and protective hats are also effective ways for workers to deal with the difficult weather. They can also help to endsure absolute safety throughout the construction process. 

Number 1 energy drink is a familiar companion for workers at construction sites 

To have buildings or projects taking shape, whether in the blazing sun of summer or the cold, dampness of rainy days, the bustling sound at construction sites is always on full blast. The harsh weather and the hardships of the working environment have never diminished the enthusiasm and effort. 

For Mr. Khiem and his fellow workers who spend a lot of time at construction sites, their effort and priority contribute to the success of each project because it also turns their own dreams into reality. Whether the dreams are growing capacity, work advancement or simply ensuring income to take care of the family. On the journey to realize that dream, Number 1 energy drink always are the choice beverage to provide energy, helping workers confidently affirm their best values ​​and abilities. 

Energizing millions of consumers on their journeys to realize their dreams, the Number 1 Energy Drink brand has officially launched the promotional program “Rip now for instant wins 2024 – Number 1” – “Recharge energy, breakthrough to become Number 1” with a total value of up to 5.5 billion VND.  

From May 20 to July 28, 2024, consumers who buy any Number 1 energy drink products will have the opportunity to win attractive prizes including: 3 first prizes, each worth 500 million VND in cash; 30 second prizes, each worth 30 million VND in cash and more than 250,000 phone card prizes from 10,000 to 500,000 VND. 

How to participate: 

– Method 1: Compose a message and send the code printed inside the label to the switchboard 6020 (send to number 6020). 

– Method 2: Enter the code and phone number on the website then participate in the lucky spin to receive a chance to win. 

– Method 3: Enter the code and phone n “Number 1 Xe Ngay Trung Lien” Zalo page and the brand’s Fanpage 

Winner announcements will be updated and publicly announced on the program’s website 

